it's 4am, 12hrs later than when the news was released on our new minister. i guess the realization sunk in and now i'm awake, all ecstatic with the choice. i'm HAPPY!!! the more i told people yesterday, the more it started to sink in. i did find out we called her immediately after the decision. she accepted and we will fly her in soon (i think) to work out the details of her contract. this is just AWESOME news!!! i can't wait to see her again. we have made a wise and wonderful choice. again, our whole congregation voted her in. again by a bit of a landslide. this means i will continue to pursue becoming a practitioner-a spiritual counselor-although other reasons may deter me on that. but with Rev Julie, i'm more inspired to continue and finish becoming a practitioner. only time will tell. yet i will enjoy her ministry. i've loved her talks, or sermons if you wish. i had listened to her talk from last year when she visited. very powerful to say the least. i hope others can appreciate her depth and understanding as much as i do. she's worked with Hospice for years on end now and she brings with her understanding and appreciating about life learned through her dying patients. that means a lot to me for my appreciation about life soared with the experience of my illness. each moment is precious beyond comprehension. words cannot describe the emotions i feel. and i sense a feeling of eternity as the moments unfold. yet nothing gets unnoticed. if anything, the breaths i take are more connected than before. a dollar cannot buy this insight, this experience. only Life can teach you these wisdoms o so valuable, they are priceless. and so now, we move forward. we get to grow even more than before. Rev Julie is also a public speaker. she desires our church to become the host for these engagements. she's also writing a book (or maybe it's already written). her warmth and spirit cannot be written on these pages. her words of wisdom feed me. i am in much gratitude for our choice. now i'll wait as patiently as possible for her return. it's only a moment away. until then, may you find peace, joy and gratitude in your life. there is beauty all around you. take a moment and notice. these are the gifts of Spirit always there in a moment.
She sounds like a good minister and a wonderful woman. Thank you for your good wishes, I wish the same for you.
Your new site looks great. Thanks for sharing your new home. I hope you'll come visit me at mine. Once again, I intend to keep writing. Hope I can keep up with up with my intentions this time because I miss you/everyone. Hugs, ~ Lori
Sounds like great news!
I am happy you got the minister you wanted. Thanks for the good wishes.
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