Thursday, November 6, 2008

Life is Good

Do what you like. Like what you do.

it's a cold morn, but the sun is finally shining thru. its warmth will make a better day with just 50 degree weather. i had to pull out the sweaters yesterday. the wind blew its might force making it even colder on a cloudy day...yesterday i went to my first Al-Anon meeting. that was a good experience. for the class i'm taking at church we are required to attend a 12step program and i chose this one. although i heard in the wind a couple times there was such a group, i had no interest in it. i chose this group because my father was an alcoholic-not that he'd ever admit it, but so he was. i was apprehensive about attending any AA group because i didn't want to sit around talking about those painful memories. i've healed much of it since then, but i thought maybe this group would have some more healing tools that could be useful to me. i was surprised at what this group is doing. although i related to the fear and powerlessness that we sometimes feel in those situations, this group is designed to empower each other to set boundaries and do other things to cope with it. there was laughter in this group too which surprised me...i had before gone to a group for depression and it was depressing. i didn't want to go to another group as such and this Al-Anon group was anything but anyways, i got a good feeling from this group. i bought one of their books, Courage to Change and will read it. i think i'll return to the meetings from time to time to learn more from it so i can better understand those tumultous years of long ago. i think i'll attend an AA meeting too with a friend and better understand the alcoholic. i did get a little education from my daughter on that for she's a recovering alcoholic. but i'm curious. i struggle with those people still. one thing about the Al-Anon at least, they recite the Serenity Prayer. it's one of my favorites although i have yet to get it memorized. i took that prayer 15yrs ago and started applying it to people. i cannot change them nor do i desire to do so any longer. in the bad relationship i was in at the time, i learned i was wanting her to change. it didn't happen and i realized change had to come from within her. change has to come within each individual. it was a good lesson for me among other things. O i still desire people to change, but i'm no longer trying to make it happen for them myself. to each their own journey and change as they anyways, it was a good experience for me to say the least.

in the meantime, all is good thus far with my eye. i have to do drops 4x a day, but as long as it helps in the healing process i'm good with that. i also have to wear a patch when i nap or sleep at night. i almost forgot. because of the surgery i'm not allowing my doggies to sleep with me. mostly it's just Boo sleeping with me, but Jimmy crawls over me on the bed and stays for a few minutes. at times they paw my face first to wake me up and say hello. didn't think it was a good idea to risk them doing that right now. although Boo sleeps at the foot of the bed as soon as i'm awake, although i don't move an inch, she's up saying hello. it amazes me how she knows when i haven't even opened my eyes yet and i'm awake. is it ESP? i sometimes think so. so Boo is hanging in there at the moment, but she scratches at the door. i knew last summer the bed had become hers when my mother visited. i let mom sleep in my bed and Boo insisted on sleeping there 4legged kids know more than we do i think at times. we could learn a lot from them and i am still doing that....

so anyways, i'm ready for some FUN! maybe i'll get a hike in tomorrow before work. maybe i'll get a movie in too-haven't done that in months. or maybe i'll curl up with a good book and read. i bought Marley and Me recently in paperback. but mostly i'd like to see Madison for a little bit. while in surgery the other day, i'd focus on a couple friends to keep my mind off the procedure. a couple times i'd think about Madison but i wanted to laugh because she's such a delight. i had to stop thinking of her while in surgery because i was not allowed to move an inch. thank goodness the procedure only last 15mins. but i am ready for a Madison fix and Marsha is working on it right now to keep her for a little while-she too needs a visit. Life is good, a bowl of strawberries!

1 comment:

Sage Ravenwood said...

I miss the camaderie I had in the AA meeting I used to attend. With my deafness it had become hard to listen to what others were saying, not always having them face me. Thankfully I made it through my first year before I lost the last of my hearing. So I did get in alot of the step work I needed. I will always remember fondly the help and support I got. Come April 25th it will be 6 years. Wow! still amazes me it's been that long.

Hope you were able to get your Madison fix dear friend. (Hugs)Indigo