Monday, November 3, 2008

intoxicating update

well it's monday afternoon. i've been napping since surgery this morn. well just a couple hours. surgery went well. the actual procedure took only 15mins or less. all the prep work took much longer. i kept meeting everyone and their buddy. they kept asking me my name and social security number. one included the birthdate. i was beginning to wonder if i was in the military but anyways, whatever they gave me to relax during surgery sure is strong. it's like i had a couple beers and got intoxicated (i'm an easy drunk). eating a hearty breakfast afterwards helped a little, but sleeping helped even more. i woke this morn at 4am, a half hour before the alarm was to go off. fortunately getting there 15mins before my scheduled time got me booted into the number 1 position for surgery. the guy who was suppose to be there at 5:30 didn't show until an hour later. i'm very grateful for being first, therefore i didn't have time to get anxious about it. but i went in with a smile. i found myself excited to be doing this and getting it over with but a bit scared too. it was a weird experience for me, to be awake while they're operating on me and then i swore i could see a tidbit of the operation thru my surgical eye. i'm very grateful it only took a few minutes. Maggie had escorted me and treated me to breakfast afterwards. good thing others are bringing food later today. i'm not allowed to drive for 48hrs and i can feel why. i'm trying to read a book but that's too much of strain right now. so i've put on the radio and a muted tv. i'll wait for my ice cream that's on the way from Marsha. she was originally planned to escort me, but she came down with a nasty head cold over the weekend. she's better today and will be my chauffer tomorrow back to the doc, then to the voting polls and a few i'm headed for the couch. the rest of day will be spent there or my bed. thanks to all of you for your thoughts and prayers. blessings!


Sage Ravenwood said...

I'm glad surgery went well for you dear friend. Relax and allow yourself the downtime. (Hugs)Indigo

Julie said...

I am so happy everything went well and your on your way to recovery. Can you see clearly now? My MIL said colors were brighter. Take care