Monday, August 31, 2009

hawk or raven?

so is this a Hawk?.....
or a Raven?.....
while @ the Sandia Peak today, there was a hawk flying around, but I thought he disappeared. I know sum ravens were flying often, and I think this bird is a raven. but as I look at these photos I'm knot sure which it is. when the birds starting flying directly over me, I just started shootin'. can you tell which bird this is?


Jeannette said...

By the wing span, colour and size/shape, I would say it is definitely a hawk.

kbear said...

I'm beginning to think it's a hawk too especially after viewing other photos of ravens on the web..

Sage Ravenwood said...

Definitely a hawk. A raven has a much longer curved beak. (Hugs)Indigo