Friday, August 21, 2009

run of the mill

continuing Las Golondrinas...
...fits in with how i feel at the of the's been an interesting week @ work. beginning to feel what is truly the run of the mill there and i'd rather take a hike. maybe i'll contemplate that. there are other headaches i'd rather deal with.... the meantime, i went to another movie last night. saw the latest Harry Potter flick. what was so kewl was i was the only one in the theater for the movie. one guy did step in for about 15mins. and an usher dropped something. but other than that it was just me and the movie. can't get any better at the movies. my only shock was when did they raise the cost of a coke to $5? i haven't been to a regular theater in awhile. whew i wasn't ready for that. i haven't thought for awhile now that movies are worth the costs nowadays, spending about $20 after buying soda and popcorn along with the entrance fee to enjoy a night out. I can get a really great dinner for that @ Red Lobster. plus there just isn't that many movies nowadays that i feel is worth seeing. even the previews i saw last night, there was not one coming out that looked inviting. i'll no longer complain about paying $5 to rent a movie. but will still try to catch them at the dollar theater. back to my books is what i say. plus football season is coming up. free entertainment on the tv if i need it....
well, i got a late start this morn. slept in late for once in a blue moon. much needed after so little sleep this week. i'm finally feeling refreshed. but time to get my day started. have a good one!


Julie said...

I never buy any food or drink at the movies for that reason, I would rather eat somewhere nice. Way to expensive.

Julie said...

I never buy any food or drink at the movies for that reason, I would rather eat somewhere nice. Way to expensive.