Monday, August 31, 2009

field day @ The Peak

spent the day @ the Sandia Peak....
these are 2 of the birds I captured today....they both were all over the place. the "gray" bird on top here were at my feet looking for food. the humming birds knot only fed at the feeders they were on the main view. while sitting and standing still in the view area, 2 hummingbirds all but landed on me. I had a brown sweatshirt on, so I kept thinking they thought I was a tree or something. if they weren't so quick, I probably could have caught them with my hand, they were that close. I wouldn't have anyways but it was way kewl to be so close to them. they're so beautiful. makes up for knot being able to capture them here at my hovel outside my window. today was a field day of watching nature in action. just what I needed too....

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