I interrupt the lake photos.... to bring you Winston... my classmate's new puppy....Liza invited me over to take photos of him and her today. he is so cute. serious look, but all play. if i didn't have my 2 already, i'd sure love to have Winston. great afternoon chatting with Liza as to whether we are or are knot taking Practitioner 2 class. we meet with our minister on the 22nd. decisions will be made if they haven't already. i'm probably in but i'm knot looking forward to the long 30 week haul again. anyways, we chatted much and i have a better understanding of her reservations. there will be nobody new in the class. only the 4 of us from Practitioner 1 class provided we all 4 take the class. only time will tell. right now i'm still enjoying my summer. dinner guests tomorrow night and a new photoshop program. if i get stuck playing a lot in photoshop, who knows, maybe i won't take Prac 2 either.....lol
What a cutie. I would love a puppy again.
What a sweet puppy...made my day. I'd love to have a dog, but already have enough to handle with the cats.
what pups do you have now?
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