Sunday, June 14, 2009

Jess' stuff

so this is sum of Jess' stuff I've accumulated over the past several months. this is a jaw with teeth painted into art. i have another too painted red as you can see in the bottom right hand corner of this pic...
this is the buffalo carving he did of wood i mentioned in a recent post.....
this is the owl claw i bought from him while he was still around...
this would be a totem he had in his collection. except for the buffalo, he collected all these pieces along his journey and travels...that's him in the photo to the right for those new to my blog...also actually everything on this bookcase was his except for that bear fetish next to his pic.

in the meantime, it was a sleepy day for me. managed to get thru church and come home about 2:30 this afternoon. then home for a brief nap only because my DIL called to chat. since the rain clouds have moved in, i may finish that nap in a bit. in the meantime, i got a call on my motorcycle already. the young military guy, just back from Iraq he says, will be meeting me in the morn. he wants payment arrangements and only because he is in the military will i work with him. no how to handle that for sure should he default. so will see. i've also been getting emails, but they're just sales pitches to assist with finances. don't want that. just the cash as I told Earma (DIL), even if she comes this way, if i sell the bike and don't have a major adjustment to my finances, I'd like to fly that way anyways so I could see Hawaii before they ship out. so i'm keepin' my fingers crossed. I'm thinking positively on my finances and know all will be fine.....for now, i'm goin' 2 go chill sum more....laterz!

1 comment:

Julie said...

Interesting selection of items he had. Good for you to have the memories. I hope you get to see your grandbaby.