Thursday, June 4, 2009

be back soon!

well, tomorrow (friday), i get to bring home my computer. it's been ready since yesterday, but i don't get paid til tomorrow. i did pick up my check tonight while at work here, so i can head over to the bank first thing then pick it up. it'll give me some time to reload my programs that were wiped clean from the computer before work. the whole plate was wiped clean as far as i understood from the Geek Squad. also, the adobe photoshop i had recently acquired wouldn't load, so i'm hoping now that it's fixed it will load. anyway, i'm lookin' forward to having my pc back. didn't know it was so

in the meantime, my grandbaby and DIL are doing fine. Earma (DIL) will be loading some photos of her on MySpace tonight once she's home from the hospital. i can then lift them off her page and post them here for you. Earma & Kyle sent me a couple photos yesterday without her hat. she has some beautiful hair. i can't wait to see her. IF only i had learned of the cheaper flights in time enough to have been there, i would have. i know i will see her in a few months, but i'm anxiously awaiting. it feels so great to be a grandma! ....until i see you this weekend, take care!

1 comment:

Julie said...

Great news about your computer. I go through withdrawal when I don't have mine, LOL. Can't wait to see the pictures.