now do i really want to ride in the rain-if it does rain. i know i need some fresh air today but could also work on the yard to do that. i'll finish my brew and decide after that. maybe a short ride around town. who knows. only time will tell....

in the meantime, these photos were at the zoo also. there was a free flying cage there with these beautiful birds in it. i really just stumbled on it as people were coming out cuz it was back in a hole in a wall so to speak. awesome feeling being amongst these birds...and no wires to steer around to get their photos. hmmm, maybe i should go back to the zoo today. definite chillin' out weather today...lol
I love the birds, the colors are so pretty. Great shots also.
I came to see your shadow shot and strayed into the birds. We have a parakeet, green & yellow like these adorable ones! Then I noticed your handsome MP son (we're both prior military) and your beautiful daughter. Wow, you are one blessed lady! Thanks for sharing those blessings through your photos.
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