Monday, March 15, 2010

time is an illusion

Time is truly an Illusion. we keep changing the clocks that I think we should throw away, rising and setting with the sun instead. I have lived many days in one and one day in many days. there are past lives and future lives all entwined with the present. how we change today effects the past and future. we grow into a better you as life unfolds. it is to be only in the present moment of Now. we are the Life force unfolding, evolving and growing and creating. there is nothing else. clocks and calendars are only man made to record events. Live as there's no tomorrow and no yesterdays. it is the gift of Life that is happening....


Julie said...

So true

Jeannette said...

Amen to that

Martha said...

Love this entry kbear! In the summer when I have a couple of weeks off work we unplug all our clocks and live by our own internal clocks - it's awesome and amazing, such freedom!
Thanks for stopping by today. Hope things slow down for us both soon. Have a great week :-)