the view from Coronado State serene here
so this is a slice @ the Coronado State Monument....where I've taken the last few photos posted here. it was a beautiful Monday and I got out b4 it got 2 hot. it's small site compared to others but enlightening to say the least. they had original murals from when it was excavated back in 1930s I believe. the murals are sacred so no photos allowed. they were beautiful and told a wonderful story. the monument gives a awesome view of the Sandia Mountains and I will post that real soon. if I remember correctly these ruins date back 700 yrs or so. New Mexico is full of ruins like these, each offering a unique view and story. I was thinking the other day, who need to go to Europe for ancient history, when it's here in my own back yard......more to come...
so this morn I'm pumpin' gas. at the back of my jeep I see this new sticker on my jeep. I have no clue as to when it got there or whodunit. but it sure did crack me up. too cute. too funny. I'm still laughin about it. knot sure if it had to 'bear' on my plate or the other bear stickers, but this fits perfectly on my jeep. it had to happen the past few days. a friend suggested possibly another friend could be the culprit, but only time will tell IF I'll ever was great way to start my day off with a good laugh...
knot sure I got this guy on here b4....I'm out of photos. thank goodness I have a road trip soon to take photos. I also need to get out of Dodge for a day. I look forward to it. I have a little too much time on my hands nowadays. hopefully that will change soon too. but I'm still enjoying the rest. the next few days will be busy with errands and work. maybe I'll get a baseball game in too. but for now, more chillin' time. it's all good....
my hiking buddy growing up....
her baby sister with Grammy.....
so last night I got to see my extended family again..and the kewl thing is I got to babysit for a couple hours. so enjoyed and treasured it. so these are my first photos of them in a long time. it's good 2 be back home with them....
my music plays in the background. it is in hopes to keep me distracted from something that stirred me up last night. I'm trying to calm down. the music is working. but I'm realizing change keeps coming my way and I just want to move forward now. I just let go of church altogether. I'm moving forward to focus on my photography. it expresses better how I feel anyways. Life's grand adventure sure does have its bumps in the road, but hey I've got a 4wheeler to keep on rolling thru it. I may stumble and fall sometimes, but I get back up in the driver's seat and keep going. in another week or so I'll be on a road trip with a friend for a photography adventure. I can hardly wait. in the meantime I'll look for something local to shoot photos. I know the first place. it's right down the road. my journey can only get better from here....
out with the old, in with the new....knot now...but today is the last time I see my current therapist who's been with me through thick and thin the last 11yrs or so. she has been my rock all this time assisting me in dealing with this illness I have. she put me back on my feet and has kept me on my feet for so long. but now she is leaving the VA where I receive my medical treatment. I'm wondering if I could follow her somewhere. won't know until I see her this afternoon when I can inquire on that. so I am a sad today. she's been the best friend I've had for all these years. without her I don't know where I wood be. I am soooo grateful for her support all this time. I will miss her sorely. it's been a year of losing some of my major support but thankfully I can keep in touch with at least one of them. I'm all for change, but too much of it has happened this last year. now I'd like sum stability again. in time I know I'll have it. here's hoping my new beginnings will go far and endure forever....
just saw a funny the woman is in confession to a priest wearing her Green Bay Packers attire. it is soon revealed what is at the center of her guilt. wearing her Packers shirt, she delivers something at the door of her neighbor, then hides behind the porch. the guy answers the door wearing his 49ers shirt only to find a cake at his door step saying "DIRT BAG" me up anyways. maybe you had to be there....
so this afternoon I went to the mountains for a few hours. I'd have stayed later but the rains came and it sure felt good. I finally made the decision I will definitely move back up there. I will start praying for the money to come to pay all my bills off and enough left over to make the move back up there. I always feel sooo much better when I visit there. it is fresher, cleaner, lighter and more in that energy. I am always lifted up from any troubles I may be having. so definitely asap I'm back up there again. maybe next summer unless of course I win that lottery soon. now that's it's cooled off, I'll visit more often until the weather changes again. anyways, this afternoon was just what I needed. now to get ready for work again tomorrow. easy money and no drama. Life is grand right now....
ok, someone pinch me!!!! it's taken me almost a week to realize I posted the wrong photo on the last entry which I wanted to go with my 'happypotomus' here's the hippo, knot the rhino. but I really do like my rhino photo in the previous's been such a roller coaster ride this summer for me, sometimes I think more lows than highs. I had another one this weekend including waking up this morn being all emotional. but alas, nothing that a nap won't fix. the emotions were all gone once I woke. I have a couple clues as to the reasons for it, besides my normal blues I experience periodically. so I'm going to trial and error to see if I can find the culprit of the continual emotional ride. right at this moment I"m good. will wait for the new dawn to see if I'm different after a beer tonight. I'm knot drinking any more than usual, but liquor 'may' be a contributing factor. so it's my first test. if need be, i'll go back to my once a month beer just to see how I fair. my new job 'may' be a very small contributor even though I consider it very little to no stress at all. anyways, I'll figure it all out. it won't take long, or I hope knot. there are a couple other possibilities but I won't go into them here for personal reasons. Life is still Good. Change is good and it's on the horizon. one more month of laying low and then I'll make a definite change to be more active. I'm definitely ready for the fall for it always brings good changes.....