cleanin' house
Good Mornin'! the sun is rising and I sit with my brew vegging on my pc here. just catchin' up with sum blogs. in doing so I also deleted sum that I was following. i had started following sum because of their photos but sum of them blog daily and i'd miss my regular following, although i'm knot on here daily nowadays. busy with class as usual. right now workin' on a paper due in it soon. thoughts on paper but knot finished...anyways, it's nice veggin' this morn to rest me brain. in the meantime, i took the above photo the first of this month @ our Harvest Festival. this little girl stole my heart. her parents allowed me to post her on our church's website so i figured i could do so here as well. she's absolutely adorable. a bright of sunshine when i see her.......i had a great Thanksgiving visiting friends that evening. during the day i vegge with a book and football. the book was for the paper. this last week i was off totally from class and less work too. it's been nice and relaxing for once in awhile now. i even put up my purple Christmas tree already, which is unusual for me. anyways, it's been nice chillin' for a few days. now back focusing on class homework and all it entails. It's all Good. Life is better for now. no blues for a week either. i'm ecstatic about that. got to see my therapist during that time too. she's always so helpful. again, Life is Good right now. I am blessed and thankful for all that i have.....
Glad you had a wonderful thanksgiving. The little girl is so cute.
I am glad you have had time to rest and chill out. What a pretty little girl.
aww...what a sweet baby!
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