2 days left!!!
just in case you forgot w
hat i look like.....lol.....anyways, i have 2 days left of work and i'm outta there for 5. Yippee!!! today i got done early at work walking out of there @ 2pm. so i feel like i have a whole other day left for the rest of the day. feels great. this means i get a tidbit of cleaning done, then sum homework. that adds up to less stress for next week. i have 2 papers plus reading due for homework. once done i can relax a day before tackling our next test for the following week. but the good news, i have a road trip planned. maybe sum 4wheelin' too. the road trip will be in 2 weeks up to Chimayo, a sacred place. i'm anxious to return there since years ago. with my own transformations, i'm anxious to see if the place feels any different than before. i'll patiently wait......now, next weekend i may go 4wheelin' just outside of town here. a friend today told me about a place. he says it's all desert so be prepared if you go alone. be prepared to dig myself out if need be. he gave me sum tips. but i'm sure i'll take it easy being on my own, as he stated, being gentle. hell just to be out & about doing sumthing other than homework and work. i'm excited. i haven't even been out shooting photographs and i miss it like crazy at the moment. i need a creative outlet. i need sum fun. so it's all in the works. whether i go 4wheelin, road trip or both, i'm taking my camera along. speaking of my camera, i've been thinking of school again. i now KNOW i will finish my bachelor's. i won't start on it until i'm finished with my Practitioner's classes, written & oral exams. one more year of that and i'll be finished. but once done, i'm either returning to an academic school for an Art degree, or more than likely, i'm going to attend Emerson Theological Institute for my bachelor's and ministeral training. i really want to do both, but i can only do one at a time. what i'm serioiusly considering is doing the NY Institute of Photography the same time i do next year's Practitioner II course. then i can have fun and study spiritual material simultaneously. all this just came to light the past couple days. i have a meeting with Rev Julie in 2 weeks to discuss all this, but this new insight gives me hope for doing it all!!! i have this poster that has written on it, I Can Do It All. i'm determined to live up to it although up until recently i haven't felt like i really could....and i will learn my guitar again sometime this year. i'm confident and hopeful finally. it's been a long journey, but well worth the time. Life is Good. Life is God.
Sounds like you have a good plan. Its good to be busy. I would love to go to school for photography. Have fun and be careful in the desert.
Karen, your ambition is wonderful and if anyone can do it, it's you! Good luck.
I love The Invitation, I've read it many times but was glad to see it here.
Thank you for replying.Yes Its nice to have a new baby in the Family.Time for Good times.Eough with the stresssful times. Have you checked out Greg Kisers Water fall prints? Very nice.I am following your blog too.I hope you have a great time on your trip.
I'm so happy for you and can't wait to hear all about your trip. It will be nice to get away and relax. Hopefully you'll bring your camera and share some pics when you get back. Stay safe & have FUN! Hugs, ~ Lori
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